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Media Statement-Arab Council Australia’s Statement on Addressing Racism in Australia
Media Release - Arab Council Australia’s farewells outgoing Chief Executive Officer Randa Kattan
Positions Vacant at Arab Council Australia
Musawat: Gender Equality Program - Train the Trainers
Understanding and Navigating Life in Australia Program
Media Release-Arab Council Australia’s 2023 AGM
Arabic-speaking community responds to the horror in Gaza-interview with Randa Kattan
Fundraising Campaign Please Donate to Palestinians arriving in Australia
2023 Australian Arab Council Annual General Meeting
Letter to the Premier from Arab Council Australia CEO Randa Kattan
Joint Statement: Australian civil society statement in solidarity with Gaza
National Child Protection Week 2022 Pledge
Upper House Inquiry Hearing Video - The NSW Government's management of COVID-19
New online safety laws to help with online abuse
Media Release - Arab Council Australia's 2021 AGM
Upper House Inquiry Hearing Video - The NSW Government's management of COVID-19
Media Release-Arab Council urges all Australians to help people affected by the Beirut explosion
AwarAbility Video Launch
Council is Going Virtual on 30 March 2020
Council's Measures for Continuity of Service Re. Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Novel Coronavirus Information in Arabic
Arab Council Australia 2019 AGM and Election of the Board
Arab Council Celebrates 40 years
Arab Council hosts NSW Premier’s Woman of the Year at its AGM
Media Release: Arab Council condemns Israel’s latest killings of Palestinians
Media Release Arab Council condemns the US’ unconscionable decision on Jerusalem
Arab Council Australia AGM and Election of 2018 Board of Management
Arab Council Australia for Marriage Equality
Media Release Arab Council holds its AGM and pledges its support to the Racism. It Stops With Me Campaign
Racism. It Stops With Me
Media Release Arab Council urges all Australians to help Syrian families
Arab Council Australia Has Moved
Media Release-May 2015 Taking the awkward out of talking about problem gambling
Media Release: Arab Council launches its five year Strategic Plan and elects a new Board
End of Year Message from Arab Council Australia
Community Collaboration Resource
Authorities work double time to counter extremism. 7.30 report 11 June 2015
ACA Submission to House of Rep Standing Committee on the Inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations
Arab Council expresses deep sorrow at tragic end to Martin Place siege
Statement regarding the Martin Place Siege
Media Release-A Great Win For Our Communities
Media Release-Alhadeff As Chair Was Always Untenable
Media Release-The Government's proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act threaten social inclusion and cohesion for
Media Release-Community leaders reject mooted changes to race hate laws
Media Release-Arab Council meets with the Member for Banks
Media Release-Coalition MP Breaks Ranks with Federal Government on Section 18C
Media Release-Indigenous, ethnic groups unite against law changes
Media Release-Arab Council urges support for Red Cross Syria Crisis Appeal
Media Release-Arab Council Raises Awareness during Anti-Poverty Week