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Event and Community

Posted in events on 25 July, 2018

Farewell in Honour of Dr Tim Soutphommasane
Please join us in honouring Dr Tim Soutphommasane who finishes his term as the Race Discrimination Commissioner

When:  Tuesday, 31 July 2018 6.00 pm for a 6.30 pm start

Where: @ the Earth Centre’s Woodville Alliance located on the ground floor of one of our offices, 44- 46 Mandarin Street, Fairfield East.

Light dinner will be provided

For catering purpose please, RSVP by Friday 27th July 2018 to info@arabcouncil.org.au or 02 9709 4333


Dr Soutphommasane has been a fearless advocate for multiculturalism and social justice. He has consistently and actively spoken out against racism since he commenced in the role of Race Discrimination Commissioner five years ago. Dr Soutphommasane will leave a lasting legacy for Australia and we deeply thank him for all his invaluable work over the years.

Please join us in this event to thank and honour Dr Soutphommasane and to convey our communities’ appreciation for his support and for the legacy he’s leaving behind.